Konbini Shoujo Z コンビニ○○Z 第一話 あなた、地下アイドルですよね。社長に万引きがバレていいんですか?
Coming soon: 2021/12/24
In the shoplifting devil, the hammer of sex.
Convenience store changes into the garden of conviction…
The managed stores kept the notoriety of “the top 3 of the shoplifting rate nationwide”.
After the responsibility from the headquarters, “I” rushed to retaliation for the shoplifting…
I will be an assailant to harm
This game is underground idol and zenmeitsumi.
Place the trap, grasp the weakness, and catch up.
1, register correspondence when coming. First, you should increase your chance to come. Improve your willingness to purchase caution with casual communication.
2, grasp your taste. You need to induce conversation and listen to what you want.
3, purchase of goods. We accept the goods that you want to take. Display on the shelf.
4, set the surveillance camera. Prepare to hold the shoplifting site ahead of the target.
5, for securing and interrogation. To pick up stolen goods, pick up luggage and touch the body. One by one, peeling off the coat, and…
Shop manager “collect evidence, remove all feelings, and judge my law and iron mass, which is my justice and providence.”
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